Monday, November 5, 2012

NAMAW calls on voters to cast a conscientious vote.

November 5, 2012

The National Association of Muslim American Women (NAMAW) calls upon all people of good conscience in the US to vote their conscience and to pray that God will find our country worthy of good and true leadership.

In respect to the issues that matter most to us, we found no significant differences between the establishment candidates. We cannot call for people to vote for a third party candidate because we cannot see how any of them could actually win. Of course should a person’s conscience guide them to vote third party, they have no reason to do otherwise, in our opinion.

Whereas the economy is very important, we don’t feel that the economy is the only important issue facing our country at this time.  So we ask that when making your decision that you consider these other important things also:
1). Neither candidate was willing to say that they would work to repeal the controversial aspects of the NDAA.  So no matter who is elected we can expect that the threat of arbitrary and indefinite detainment and detention of US citizens based upon even constitutionally protected dissenting political speech and association will remain a threat to US citizens and our Constitution.    Obama said that he would never use this power against a US citizen; Romney said he supports the NDAA and made no exception in respect to the controversial aspects of the bill.

2). Neither candidate ever addressed the secret memo written by an Obama administration attorney that sought to legalize the targeted assassination of US citizens by special teams of military personnel based upon secret evidence and allegations of aiding and comforting an enemy.   In spite of the fact that the US presently has laws on the book that make treason, which is defined as aiding and comforting the enemy in times of war, a criminal offense punishable by death. This secret memo removed the right of the US citizen to a trial, to face his or her accuser, and even denies a citizen the constitutional  right to legal defense against the charge. This causes us to assume that the motive behind the memo was not to discourage or to deter treason, but rather to make it possible for the government to chill dissent with the fear of targeted political assassination.  Obama ordered or allowed the assassination of two American citizens under cover of this controversial memo. Romney did not attack the memo, or the assassinations, which causes us to believe that both candidates feel that the US Constitution is less important than the desire to have the power to arbitrarily assassinate US citizens, and to silence dissent in the US with the threat of government sponsored political assassination of US dissidents.  

3). Neither candidate explained to us how they would address the huge debt that we owe as a result of a record breaking 12 tears of war.  No pledges to freeze the debt ceiling, no pledges to attempt to restructure or renegotiate the debt, no pledges to end the wars and no pledges to take back US monetary policy or to end Federal Reserve control of US currency and monetary policies. Even the most severe austerity measures will not solve our country’s economic problems if we don’t end the wars, stop raising the debt ceiling and stop over printing money. 

4). Neither candidate made mention of much needed changes in US foreign policy. No mention was made of ending the preemptive strike policy, or the war on terrorism which is a perpetual war matrix.   No mention was made of reassessing our rendition program, the drone program, our unconditional support of Israel, or our biased policies in the Muslim world.  No one mentioned the immeasurable loss of US credibility, prestige and popularity that is casing the US to be increasingly marginalized and isolated, nor did either candidate have a single recommendation as to how to reverse this negative trend.   

5). As for domestic policy, no solutions were proposed to address the problem of student debt, the noncompetitive education our children receive in out universities and colleges. No mention of the more than 20 million Americans left uninsured even under the Obama Healthcare reform.  No solutions were offered to address the growing problems of poverty and hunger and homelessness in the US and neither did either of the candidates address the low testing scores that have placed US students at 25th in the world in their understanding of math and science.

We ask that as you consider these points, you keep in mind that whoever we vote for tomorrow, after the elections, there is lots of work to be done.  It will take the power and commitment of “We”, the people, and not only the government, to make the US the more perfect union that we all dream of. 

May God bless the people of conscience in the US and may He guide and protect.

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